Step 5: leserticg a tape or a °°Nemer_Stick 8[_#" (gecticced}
Access lamp
Toeject a "Memory Stick Duo"
Lightly push tile "Memor_ Stick Duo" in
(J Notes
• When the _lCl2_2gslamp is lit or flashing, your
camcorder is reading/writing data. Do not shake
or knock your camcordcr, turn the power oil
Kiect the "Memory Slick Duo." or remove the
haltel T pack. Othm-wise. image data may he
• If you l_)rcc the 'Menlol T Slick Duo" into the
slol in the wrong direction, the "Memol T Slick
Duo." lhe Memory Slick Duo slot. or image dala
may be damaged.
• When inserting or ciecting the 'Memory Stick
Duo, '' be carcflll that the "Mcmory Slick Duo"
does not pop (111[and drop.