Printed manuals and manuals in PDF format are provided with the machine. The manuals in PDF format are
stored on the hard drive in the machine.
The printed manuals contain information that you should know before using the machine, including the basic
procedures for operating the machine. Please read these manuals well.
The manuals in PDF format provide detailed explanations of the functions of the machine. When the machine is
used in a network environment, the PDF manuals can be viewed at any time by simply downloading them using a
Web browser.
Printed manuals
Quick Start Guide (this manual)
Maintenance Guide
Safety Guide
Software Setup Guide
This manual is intended to help you get started using the many basic and convenient
functions of the machine.
When you are ready to learn about the machine in more detail, see the manuals in
PDF format described on the next page.
This manual explains maintenance procedures such as how to replace supplies and
remove paper misfeeds.
This manual contains instructions for using the machine safely and lists the
specifications of the machine and its peripheral devices.
This manual explains how to install and configure the software that is required to use
the printer function and other functions of the machine that are used from a computer.