Name Facsimile expansion kit (MX-FX11)
Useable lines General phone lines (PSTN), automated branch exchange (PBX)
Connection speed Super G3: 33.6 kbps, G3: 14.4 kbps
Coding method MH, MR, MMR, JBIG
Connection mode Super G3 / G3
Original paper sizes for transmission
A3 (11" × 17") to A5 (5-1/2" × 8-1/2") (Paper with a max. length of
1,000 mm* can be transmitted (one-sided only).)
* Internet fax (optional) is up to 800 mm (at 600 x 600 dpi).
Registered paper size A3 (11" × 17") to A5 (5-1/2" × 8-1/2")
Transmission time
Approx. 2 seconds * (A4 (8-1/2" × 11") Sharp standard paper, normal
characters, Super G3 (JBIG))
Memory 1GB
Touch dial memory Max. 1,000 entries (Including group dialling for
fax, scanner, and Internet fax)
Group dial Max. of 500 entries
Mass transmissions Max. of 500 recipients
* Complies with the 33.6 kbps transmission method for Super G3 facsimiles standardized by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU-T). This is the speed for when sending an A4 (8-1/2" × 11") size piece of paper
of around 700 characters at standard image quality (8 × 3.85 line/mm) in Hi-speed mode (33.6 kbps). This
is the transmission speed for image information only and does not include time for transmission control. The
actual time needed for a transmission depends on the content of the text, type of receiving fax machine, and
telephone line conditions.
Type Built-in type
Continuous print speed Same as continuous copy speed
Data processing: 600 × 600 dpi
Print: 600 × 600 dpi, equivalent to 9600 x 600 dpi
Page description language
Standard: PCL6 emulation
Options: PS3 emulation*1, XPS*2
Compatible protocols TCP/IP (IPv4/IPv6), IPX/SPX, EtherTalk*1
Compatible OS
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008,
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012
Macintosh (Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8)*1
Internal fonts (options) 80 fonts for PCL, 136 fonts for PS3 emulation
Memory Machine system memory and hard disk.
Interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T, USB 2.0 (high speed mode)
*1 When equipped with a PS3 expansion kit (MX-PK11).
Type Colour scanner
Scan resolution (main x vertical)
100 × 100 dpi, 200 × 200 dpi, 300 × 300 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi
600 × 600 dpi (push scan)
50 to 9,600 dpi *1 (pull scan)
Scan speed (A4 (8-1/2" × 11"))
B/W 56 sheets/minute (200 × 200 dpi) (one-sided)
Colour 56 sheets/minute (200 × 200 dpi) (one-sided)
When in standard mode using Sharp standard paper (A4 (8-1/2" × 11")
size with 6% coverage) and the auto colour detector is turned off. The
speed varies depending on the data volume of the original.
USB 2.0 (during USB memory scanning)
Compatible protocols TCP/IP (IPv4)
Compatible OS *2
Pull scan (TWAIN) Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008,
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012
Output format
TIFF, PDF, PDF/A, encrypted PDF, XPS *3
Compression method: decompression, G3 (MH), G4 (MMR)
(Grey scale/colour)
TIFF, JPEG, PDF, PDF/A, encrypted PDF, XPS *3
Compression method: JPEG (high, mid, and low compression)
Driver TWAIN compliant
*1: You must decrease the scan size when increasing the resolution.
*2: There are cases when a connection cannot be established. Please contact your local dealer for more
*3: XPSisanabbreviationfortheXMLPaperSpecication.
Network Printer Specications
Network Scanner SpecicationsFax Specications