Chapter 12: Parameters
Switch SW3 setting 0 1 2 3 4
Parameter address
(system memory)
#0300 to
#1400 to
#1500 to
#1600 to
#1700 to
Connection cable
Control module (JW-100CUH)
(The modules shown below
are installation examples)
FL-net module Host PC Control module
JW100H JW-100CUH
Read parameter
address 77
memory #0377 *).
* When switch SW3 is
set to 0.
Decimal display of the setting
#0301 DCM 168
#0302 DCM 250
P System
>#0303 DCM 003
#0375 HEX 00
#0376 HEX 00
P System
>#0377 HEX 00
JW-14PG screen
[2] When the JW-50FL is used
Set the parameters for the JW-50FL in the system memory of the control module. Select the
parameter (system memory) area using the SW3 switch on the JW-50FL.
(Details See the next page. Switch SW3 See page 4-4.)
Note: Do not set switch SW3 outside the range of 0 to 4.
- Relationship between the host PC and the control module
- How to set the parameters using the JW-14PG
This paragraph describes param-
eter setting procedures (in system
memory) using the handheld JW-
14PG programmer.
1 Connect the JW-14PG to the
support tool connector on the
control module.
2 Set the PC to program mode.
3 Set a start switch to 00(H).
4 Enter the IP address ( at parameter addresses 00 to 03(8).
Same as the above, enter the other parameter addresses.