Set the M;_chine
+ [io---O root A t
Thread tension
2to 6
Pressure Adjusting Lever: 0
F" Satin stitch
foot Drop teed lever
1. Drop the feed dogs. (see p. 32).
2, Stretch the fabric with the hole in the center
between embroidery hoops, as shown.
3. Lower the presser bar and sew at a slow speed.
4. Move the fabric back and forth slowly until you
have covered the darning area,
5. Turn the fabric 1/4 turn and sew another layer of
stitching over the first layer,
NOTE: If your fabric is thin or badly damaged, use a
separate piece of fabric under the hole to
refinforce it.
6. When darning is completed, reset the presser
adjusting lever to 3, tension dial to 5 and raise the
feed dog,
NOTE: See pages 64 _ 65, automatic darmng for a
quick, easy way to mend rips & holes.
How to darn correctly.
Make the turning points of each row blunt or the
stitching will draw little holes at the ends_ Beginners
may prefer the L or M movement.
Take care not to get circles.
The quick mastering of this work depends on proper
- Hold the hoop correctly.
- Always work from left to right,
-- Move work lengthways {not sideways).