e Twin Needle Button
• Editing Button
3ust press this button and the machine Use this button to:
automatically reduces the maximum
w_dth for twin needle sewing,
Press button again for single needle
For detailed instruction, see page 80.
check and correct pattern comb_-
nations before sewing,
-- press again when editing is completed
and the light wiil go out,
For editing, use the stitch width control
button to select editing position, (see
page 94, 95).
Stitch Width Contro{ Button
o Stitch Length Control Button
o Stitch width and stitch length will be o Stttch width and stitch length will be
showing on liquid crystal display,
To Decrease the stitch width:
Press the "' i ,, button.
The stitch width will decrease,
To increase the stitch width:
Press the "+" button,
The stitch width witl increase,
showing on liquid crysta_ display,
To Decrease the stitch length:
Press the " - " button.
The stitch length will decrease.
To Increase the stitch length:
Press the "'+" button.
The stitch fength will increase,