Using the R°Surf Feature
This tcatL:u_eallows vol:Lto set the TV to rett:u_n to a particudar channel after a certain
amo_Lnt of time. For example 7ol:Lmay be w_tchin_ a ch_mnel when commercials start.
YocLcan set the E.Surf to '5 minutes then switch channels. After min_Ltes the TV wfl[
retw_n to the o_iginsl ch_nnel To use the E Suu_ffLt_:ttw_e:
While you are watchiJ_g
the chenne! to whic]_ you
Want to return, press the
R.SURFbutton. The on,-
screen display will read
Press the &SURF button
again to setd]e timer in
thirty secoed i!tterva!s, up
L ¸
4 Th_ tim_ will be decreasing while
you are setting up th_ timer And
you will reset it when you pass
iJve cilhmtes o_ tm_l it o[[
Thetime you set will begin COUntingdown on the screen.
Whee the time runs out,the TVwill retem to the channel
you were watching when you set t]_etimer.
Freezing the Picture
pEessfile still botto_-_to freeze e movingpicture.
(nounal sound will sti!! beheard.)
Press again to ca!_ce!,
Note: The aliH function doesn't
opelate in die COMPONENT
In ode.
English - 46