Changing Channems
Using the Channe| Buttons
Pressthe CH_ 0r cH \/ bUttO!l tOchangec!_am_ds.
When you press CH A or CH V _he TV chalrges cham_e[s in sequence. -kbu will see aH _he
channels fl>_t 1he TV has memorized. (The TV mus/ have memorized at least thlee chanl_e[s.)
You wtH not see chatmels that wet:e either et:ased or no{ inemorized.
Using the Number £uttons
Use:the nctmber bctttons to qctickly tune to any channel
The TVvd!!c!_anoechanne!s v,,&enfeu press the second number.
When you use the number buttol_s, you can dil:ecfl} select channels that were either erased
or7[tot inemorized.
To select a channel o_er 100, pFess d_e +100 button. (For chan!le[ 122, pFe>s+100' fl_en'2'
thm_ "2.)
To change to single-digit cham_els (0-9) faster, pFess '0' Ix.lore the sing[e digit.
(For cha]me[ 'q press "0' fllen q'.)
Using the PRE-CH £utton to Semect the Previous Channe|
To quickly switch betwe< tt two
chatmels that are lar apart, tune to
otte chattnel, th<tt [1sethe [lt[['i}[)e17
[)trEfOil to s<lect the se(ond
cham_el Them use the PRE-CH
button to quickI) alternate
between them
English - 29