
Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2H: Date Book 95
Attach Note - Creates a note for the selected event.
Delete Note - Deletes the note from a selected event.
Purge - Deletes events based on time and date criteria.
Beam Event - Beams the selected event to another IR device.
Edit Menu
The following options are available in the Edit menu:
Undo - Automatically undoes the last command.
Cut - Copies and removes text from the screen.
Copy - Copies the text on the screen.
Paste - Pastes text into a screen.
Select All - Selects all text on the screen.
Keyboard - Displays the on-screen keyboard.
Graffiti Help - Displays the Graffiti help screen.
Options Menu
The following options are available in the Options menu:
Font - Allows you to select the desired font size for the Date Book.
Magnifier - Allows you to set the font size larger when entering text.
Dial - Allows you to highlight and then call a phone number located
in the Date Book entry.
Preferences - The preferences allows you to configure the times and
alarms for the date book. The following items are available:
Start/End Time
Alarm Preset
Alarm Sound
Remind Me
Play Every
Tip: When changing alert times & volumes, you will hear samples of the
options you choose unless you have turned OFF the volume for these
options in the main preferences.
Display Options - Change the date book appearance.
Phone Lookup - Activates the phone lookup feature.
Security - Hides or masks private records.
About Date Book - Displays the version of the Date Book.