Blio is an eReading application that
presents eBooks just like the printed
version, in full color, and with all of the
features you’d want from an eReader.
For more information, refer to “Blio” on
page 134.
Bonus Apps
Once added to your Home screen, this
Widget helps you discover free T-Mobile
services and apps that are compatible
with your phone.
For more information, refer to “Bonus
Apps” on page 134.
Use Google Books to read over 3 million
ebooks on the go.
For more information, refer to “Books” o n
page 134.
Launches the on-screen calculator
application. The calculator provides the
basic arithmetic functions; addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division.
You can also use this as a scientific
For more information, refer to
“Calculator” on page 135.
Launches a calendar application that
syncs to your Facebook™, Google™, or
Microsoft Exchange work calendars.
For more information, refer to “Calendar”
on page 179.
Launches the built-in 3.0 megapixel
camera application from where you can
take a picture with either the front or rear
facing cameras.
An SD card must be inserted
before the camera will take and
store photos.
In addition to taking photos, the built-in
camera also doubles as a camcorder that
also allows you to record, view, and send
high definition videos.
For more information, refer to “Using the
Camera” on page 115. For more
information, refer to “Using the
Camcorder” on page 121.