3-8 SL520/530/631 PLUS Chartplotter Displays
Working with
3.3 Working with Waypoints
The Chartplotter enables you to place up to 998 waypoints (in addition,
waypoint number 999 is used for MOB operation): a waypoint is a position
enteredon achart as areference,or asa place togo to.All waypointsplaced on
the chartplotter are stored in a waypoint database list which includes symbol,
position, bearing, range and additional data. Allwaypoints in the database are
displayed on the screen, unless you set waypoint display off in the Chart Set
Up menu, as described in Chapter 5. You can select a waypoint, either on-
screen or from the list, for editing.
A waypoint can be placed at the cursor position, or at the vessel’s current
position (this is sometimes known as an event mark); a waypoint at the vessel
position includes additional information (if available) on the depth and
temperature when it was placed. Alternatively, you can manually enter
Waypoints as either Lat/Long coordinates or Loran TDs which are
automatically converted into Lat/Long coordinates. All waypoints can be
included in a route. You can place waypoints, using simulator mode, before
you install the chartplotter on your vessel.
When you place a new waypoint, it is displayed using the default symbol of a
cross (unless you have changed the symbol in Chart Set Up). The waypoint is
added to the waypoint list and tagged with the nextavailable number. You can
use the edit functions to change the symbol and name. When the cursor is
positioned over a waypoint, the waypoint bearing and range are displayed.
Waypoints in the current route are available on other SeaTalk instruments that
support current routetransfer,for example,anotherRaymarine Chartplotter or
ST80 Masterview. You can transfer waypoints between the chartplotter and
other NMEA or SeaTalk instruments using the Waypoint Transfer functions.
You can also save waypoints to, or load them from, a user cartridge. These
functions are described in Section 3.6.
This section explains how to perform the following tasks using the on-screen
cursor and the waypoint list:
• Placing a Waypoint
• Selecting a Waypoint
• Displaying Waypoint data
• Editing a Waypoint (symbol, name & position)
• Erasing a Waypoint
• Moving a Waypoint
At the end is a section about using the ST60/80 Navigator Keypad to select,
edit, and name your waypoints.