7-2 SL520/530/631 PLUS Chartplotter Displays
Resetting the System
• Some products generate high voltages, so never handle the cables/connec-
tors when power is being supplied to the equipment.
• When powered up, all electrical equipment produces electromagnetic
fields. These can cause adjacent pieces of electrical equipment to interact
with oneanother, with aconsequent adverseeffecton operation.In orderto
minimise these effects and enable youto get the best possible performance
from your Raymarine equipment, guidelines are given in the installation
instructions, to enable you to ensure minimum interaction between differ-
ent items of equipment, i.e. ensure optimum Electromagnetic Compatibil-
ity (EMC).
• Always report any EMC-related problem to your nearest Raymarine
dealer. We use such information to improve our quality standards.
• In some installations, it may notbe possible toprevent the equipment from
being affected by external influences. In general this will not damage the
equipment butit can lead tospurious resetting action, ormomentarily may
result in faulty operation.
7.2 Resetting the System
There are three types of reset available for the display:
• FactoryReset: Thisresets allvalues back totheir originalfactory settings.
The factory reset clears the Waypoints and Routes databases.
• Power-On Reset: When you turn the display off and on again, the screen
reverts to the chart picture with all windows cleared.
• Picture Reset: Press and hold the DISPLAY key for two seconds to return
the screen to the full-screen picture of the top window with all windows
At power-on, the last-used values are retained for all the options, except for
those listed in the following table which are reset to the factory default each
Table 7-1: Power On Default Settings
Item Power-on setting
Heading Mode
Lighting & contrast (mono
Brightness (Color Display))
North Up
ON, with last-used value
Lighting 40%, contrast 50%
ON at 100%.