Section III-C: Cables and Connections for SP-750i
Princeton Instruments offers the following computer cables as options:
CC-499-1 IBM PC or XT compatible
25 pin female ( DB25S) connector to 9 pin male connector ( DB9P).
CC-499-2 IBM AT or compatible
9 pin female ( DB9S) connector to 9 pin male connector ( DB9P).
CC-499-3 Computer terminal type
25 pin male ( DB25S) connector to 9 pin male connector ( DB9P).
CC-499-4 9-pin cable for Macintosh computer
CC-499-5 IEEE488 cable, 4 meters long
The cable CC-499-2 is included with the SP-750i. The other cables are optional. If none of these
cables are compatible with your system, consult Princeton Instruments for a custom cable. If you have
facilities for constructing a custom cable, use the RS232 pin arrangement shown in Table 1, or the
IEEE-488 pin arrangement shown in Table 2. See also Appendix B.
Table 1: RS232 Computer Interface Pin Arrangement:
pin # description
1 open
2 RD data from SP-750i to computer
3 TD data from computer to SP-750i
4 open
5 ground
6 open
7 RTS connect these two pins together
9 Open
A terminal or RS232 computer port must be set up as follows: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit,
1 stop bit.
Table 2: IEEE488 Computer Interface
Pin Arrangement:
Table 3: Power Input Pin Arrangement:
1 +5V
4 +24V