Grating Control Commands (cont.) :
The following commands are used for grating installation by grating parameters:
SELECT-GRATING Specifies the grating number to be installed 1 - 9.
G/MM Specifies groove density of grating to be installed in g/mm.
E.G. 1200 G/MM
BLAZE Specifies the blaze wavelength and units of the grating to be installed with 7
characters of the user’s choice. Unlike other commands, this command is issued
before the parameters. After the command is issued, the SP-750i responds with
“ “ . Seven characters are then entered (these may be numbers, letters,
spaces or special characters).
UNINSTALL Used to remove a grating and its parameters from the SP-750i non-volatile memory.
Diverter Control Commands:
EXIT-MIRROR Designates the exit diverter mirror to receive the diverter control commands. This
command is for Acton SP monochromators that can accept two diverter mirrors.
The SP-750i monochromators will accept this command but it is not required in these
ENT-MIRROR Designates the entrance diverter mirror to receive the diverter control commands.
This command is for Acton SP monochromators that can accept two diverter
mirrors. The SP-750i monochromators will not accept this command.
FRONT Moves the designated diverter mirror to position the beam to the front port position.
SIDE Moves the designated diverter mirror to position the beam to the side port position.
?MIRROR Returns the position of the designated diverter mirror with the responses “front” and
?MIR Returns the position of the designated diverter mirror with the responses 0 for front
and 1 for side.
Slit Width Control Commands:
FRONT-EXIT-SLIT Designates front exit slit to receive slit control commands. NOTE: The designation
remains in effect until changed by another slit designator. This command does not
have to be repeated until the designated slit is changed.
SIDE-EXIT-SLIT Designates side exit slit to receive slit control commands.
FRONT-ENT-SLIT Designates front entrance slit to receive slit control commands.
SIDE-ENT-SLIT Designates side entrance slit to receive slit control commands.
MICRONS Sets the slit width for the designated slit in the range of 10 to 3000 microns to
1 micron resolution.
?MICRONS Returns the slit width setting in microns to the nearest 1 micron.