of this tool and seek medical att ention. An
anti--vibration system does not guaranteethe
avoidance of these p roblems. Users who op-
erate power tools on a continual and regular
basis must monitorclosely their physicalcon-
dition and the condition of this tool.
This model is equipped with a coupler which
enables optional attachments to be installed.
The optional attachments are:
Edger PP1000E....................
Cultivator PP2000T.................
Blower PP3000B...................
WARNING: Use of any other attach-
ments besides those listed above and the at-
tachment provided with this unit might present a
risk of injury to the operator or bystanders. Only
those a ttachments listed above and the attach-
mentprovided with this unit havebeen tested for
use with this powerhead.
WARNING: Foreachoptionalattach-
mentused,read entireinstruction manualbe-
fore use and follow all warnings and instruc-
tions in manual and on attachment.
NOTE: Use the assist handle included with
your unit (as shown below) when operating
the f ollowing at tachments.
Assist Handle
WARNING: Never puthands orother
objects into blower housing to avoid serious
injury from rotating impeller.
WARNING: Inspect a rea before
starting unit. Remove all debris and hard ob -
jects such as rocks,glass, wire, etc. t hatcan
ricochet, bethrown, orotherwise cause injury
or damage during operation.
S Inspect unit before each use for worn,
loose, missing or damaged parts. Do not
use until unit is in proper w orking order.
S Do not setunit on an y surface excep t aclean,
hard area. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust,
grass, etc., could be picked up by the air in-
take and thrown out through discharge open-
ing, damaging unit, property , or causing seri-
ous injury to bystanders or operator.
S Neverplaceobjects insidetheblowertubes
or blower outlet. Always direct the blowing
debris away from people, animals, glass,
and solid objects such as trees, automo-
biles, walls, etc. T heforce of air can cause
rocks, dirt, or sticks to be thrown or torico-
chet which can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or cause other d amage.
S Check air intake opening and blower tubes
frequently, always w ith unit stopped a nd
power source disconnected. Keep vents
and discharge tubes free of debris which
can accumulate and restrictproper airflow.
S Neverplaceany objectinair intakeopening
as this could restrict proper air flow and
cause damage to the unit .
S Never douse or squirt the unit with water or
any otherliquid. Cleanunitandlabels witha
damp sponge. Keep handles dry, clean,
and f ree from oil and grease.
S Never use for spreading chemicals, fertiliz-
ers,orothersubstanceswhichmay contain
toxic materials.
S To avoidspreadingfire,do notuse nearleaf
or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits,
ashtrays, etc.
CUTTING AREA. Rotating tines can cause se-
rious i njury. Do not attempt to clear aw ay cut
material or hold material to be cut when the mo-
tor is running. Make sure powerhead i s stopped
and disconnected from power source when re-
moving jamm ed material from the tines. Do not
grab or hold attachment by the tines.
WARNING: Rotating tines can cause
serious injury . K eep away from rotating tines.
Stop the unit and disconnect the power source
before unclogging tines or making repairs.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cultivatedbeforestartingthe unit. Removeall
debris and hard and sharp objects such as
rocks, vines, branches, r ope, string, etc.
S Hold the unit firmly with both hands
S Keep firmfooting andbalance. Donot over-
reach or stand on unstable surfaces.
S Look behind and use care when backing up.
S Keep all parts of your body away from the
S Neveroperatethe cultivator withoutthetine
guard i n place and properly secured.
S Keep thetines andguardclearof debris.Al-
ways wear gloves whenservicing or clean-
ing the tines. The tines become very sharp
from use.
S Avoid heavy contact with solid objects that
might stop the tines. If heavy contact oc-
curs, stop the motor andinspect the unitfor
S After striking a foreign object, stop the unit,
disconnect the power source and inspect
thecultivator for dam age. Repair beforere-
S Disconnect attachment from the drive mo-
torbeforecleaningthetines withahoseand
water to remove any build--up. Oil thetines
to prevent rust.
S Do notrun unitat highspeedunlesscultiva-