vent damage to uni t and/or extension cord
and to reduce the possibility of the extension
cord disconnecting from t he unit d uring op-
TI ON se ct i o n .
S Do not attempt to repair unit. Inspect the insu-
lation and connectors on th e powerhead and
extension cord before each use. If there is
any damage, do not use until damage is re-
paired by your authorized service dealer .
S Do not use the unit if the switch does not
turn the unit on andoff properly. Repairs to
the switch must be made by your autho-
rized service dealer.
S Avoid unintentionalstartingofthe unit.Nev-
er carry unit with your finger on the switch.
Be sure the switch is in the OFF position
and never touch the switch when connect-
ing extension cord.
S Avoid any body contact with any grounded
conductor, such as metal fences, or pipes,
to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
S Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection should be provided on circuit or
outlet to be used. Receptacles are avail-
able having built-in GFCI protection and
may be used for this measure of safety.
S Stop the motor immediately if you are ap-
This unit is double insulated to help protect
against electric shock. Double insulation
of electrical insulation instead of grounding.
Tools built with this insulation system are not
intended to be grounded. No grounding
means is provided on this unit, nor should a
meansofgroundingbeaddedto thisunit. Asa
result, the extension cord used with your unit
can b e plugged into any standard 120 volt
electrical outlet. Safety precautions must be
observed when operating any electrical t ool.
The double insulation system only provides
added protection against injury resulting from
an int ernal electrical insulation failure.
All electrical repairs to this unit, including hous-
ing, switch, m otor, etc., must be diagnosed and
repaired by qualified service personnel. Re-
placement parts for a double insulated ap-
pliance must b e recommendedby themanufac-
turer. A double in sulated appliance is marked
with the words “double i nsulation” or “double i n-
sulated”. The symbol (square within a square)
may a lso b e m arked on the appliance. Fail-
ure to havethe unit repaired by qualified service
personnel can cause the double insulation
construction to become i neffective a nd result in
serious injury.
S Do not operate a pruner with one hand. Seri-
ous injury to theoperator , helpers,bystanders
or any combination of these persons may re-
sult from one-handed operation. A pruner is
intended for two-handed use.
S Keep all parts of your body away from the
chain when unit is running.
S Do not operate pruner from a ladder or in a
S Donotuseaprunertocut downtrees orany
portion of the tree t runk.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overheadnot greaterthan 6 inches (15 cm)
in diameter.
S Neverstandunder thelimbyou arepruning.
Always position yourself out of the path o f
falling debris.
S Donotcutsmallbrushandsaplingswiththe
pruner . Slender matter may catch in t he
chain and be whipped toward you, pulling
you off balance.
S Make sure t he chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the unit. Never
try to start the unit when the guide bar is in a
S Do notforce pruner .It will do thejob better and
safer at the rate for which it was intended.
S Donotputpressureontheprunerat theend
to lose control w hen the cut is completed.
S Do not r u n the unit at high speed when not
S Use the right tool, cut wood only. Don’t use
pruner for purpose not int ended; f or example,
don’t use p runer for cutting plastic, masonry ,
non-wood b ui lding m at erials, etc.
S If youstrikeor becomeentangledwithafor-
eign object, stop the unit immediately and
check for damage. Have any damage re-
paired by an authorized service dealer be-
fore attempting further oper ations.
S Do not operate a pruner that is damaged,
improperly adjusted, or not completely and
securely assembled. A lways replace bar
and chain immediately if it becomes dam-
aged, broken or is otherwise rem oved.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed or
when walking f rom one cutting location to
another. Stop the motor a nd make sure chain
has stopped m oving bef ore setting the unit
S Inspect cords periodically and if damaged,
have repaired by an authorized service
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
WARNING: Avoid kickback which
can result in serious injury. Kickback is the
backward, upward or sudden forward motion
of the guide bar occurring when the chain
near the upper tip of the guide bar contacts
any object such as a log or branch, or when
the wood closes in and pinches the chain in
the cut. Contacting a foreign object in the
wood can also result in loss of control.
S Rotational Kickback can occur when the
moving chain contacts a n object at the upper
tip of the guide bar . This contact can cause
the chain to dig into the object, which stops
the chain for an instant. The result is a light-
ning fast, reverse reaction which kicks the
guide bar up and back toward the operator .