
Mode Sense(6)
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2.7 Mode Sense(6) (1Ah)
Operation Code is (1Ah)
DBD (Disable Block Descriptor)
If “0” (ZERO), the block descriptors are returned in the MODE SENSE data.
If “1” (TRUE), no block descriptors are returned.
PCF (Page Control Field) specifies the Page Parameter Type to be returned.
Page Code specifies the Page(s) to be returned.
The MODE SENSE command requests the drive to report parameters for each logical unit. An
Allocation Length of “0” means that no data is returned. If other than “0”, the drive terminates
the DATA IN phase when Allocation Length bytes or all the Sense data have been transferred.
The following PCF codes are supported:
00b : Current value: The drive returns the values specified by the latest MODE
SELECT command. If no MODE SELECT command has
been issued, the default values are returned.
01b : Alterable value: The drive returns the alterable parameters set to one in the
requested page. Even if all parameter values are unalterable,
the requested page(s) is returned.
10b : Default value: The default values of the drive are returned. The fields and
bits that are not supported are set to 0.
11b : Reserved
Mode Sense Data Format
The Mode Sense Data consists of a 4-byte header; an 8-byte block descriptor; and no, one,
or more page descriptor(s).
Sense Data Length
Shows the length in bytes of the following Sense data. This length does not include itself
(byte 0).
Media Type
The default value is 0.
Block Descriptor Length
The value 8 is always returned.