Read CD-XA
2.48 READ CD-XA (DBh)
IMPORTANT: This command applies only to models DRM-602X, DRM-624X, and the DR-U
Series drives.
Operation Code is (DBh).
Starting Address specifies the block where the operation begins.
Transfer Length specifies the number of contiguous CD-XA blocks to be transferred.
The READ CD-XA command requests that the drive transfer CD-XA data to the host.
The Starting Address is defined as follows.
Starting Address = M * 60 * 75 + (S-2) * 75 + F
M, S & F = the absolute MSF address of the requested starting address
CD-XA Format Field:
CD-XA Field CD-XA Block Length Description
00h 2048 bytes User data only (no sub header)
0Fh 2352 bytes All CD-XA sector data
1Fh 2646 bytes All data with 294-byte Error Flags
Other Codes Reserved
When the CD-XA Format field is set to 00h, the drive returns 2048 bytes CD-XA data in the
user data area without any Sub-header data. If the requested block is in a CD-XA Mode2/Form2
sector, only 2048 bytes user data will be returned and the remaining data will be discarded.
When the CD-XA Format field is set to 0Fh, the drive returns all 2352 bytes CD-XA sector
When the CD-XA Format field is set to 1Fh, the drive returns the CD-XA data with Error Flag
data. Each block consists of 2646 bytes which includes the entire block of 2352 bytes CD-XA
data and a block of 294 bytes Error Flag data.
NOTE: The CD-XA block length is totally irrelevant to the logical block length set by Mode
Select Command.