Im age folder could
not be created
The maximum folder number (999) and file
number (9999) are being used, and no more
images can be s aved. In sert a new SD Memo ry
Card or format the card. (p.16 5)
The image is not stored
The image could not be saved because of an SD
Memory Card error.
Settings not stor ed
The DPOF settings file could not be saved
because SD Memory Card is full. Delete
unwanted images and set DPOF again. (p.76)
RAW images cannot be set DPOF cannot be applied to the RAW images.
RAW images are
not supported
RAW image s can not be proc es se d usi ng the
digital fil ter.
No image to be filtered
When dig ital fil ter i s s tarte d fro m [Q Playback]
menu, th is message appears if all sav ed images
are RAW files or imag es captu r ed with oth er
This image cannot be
Appears when digital filter is started from Fn
menu for images captured with other cameras.
No DPOF files
No file set with DPOF. Set DPOF and print.
Printer error
There is an error with the printer and the file
cannot be printed. Fix all the errors and try
printing again.
No paper in the printer
Printer ha s run out of paper. Pu t paper in printer
and print.
No ink in the printer Printer has run out of ink. Replace ink and print.
Paper stuck in the prin ter
Paper is jammed in printer. Remove paper and
Data error A data error has occurred during printing.
Error Message Description