Function Reference
This mode is useful for the long exposures required for shooting night
scenes and fireworks.
The shutter remains open as long as the shutter release button is kept pressed.
Set the mode dial to p.
Using the p (Bulb) Mode
• Turn the e-dial to adjust the aperture value.
• Set the aperture value in increments of 1/2 EV or 1/3 EV. Set in [Expsr Setting
Steps] in the [A Custom Setting] men u. (p .144)
• Use a sturdy tripod and the cable switch CS-205 (optional) to prevent camera
shake w hen using p ( B ulb) mode. Co nne ct th e cable swit ch t o t he ca bl e
switch terminal (p.15).
• Bulb shoot ing i s av ai la bl e when using t he r em ot e control shooting mode
(p.61 ). The shutter rem a i ns open as long as the optional remot e control’s
shut ter rele ase but ton is held down.
• Noise redu ct io n i s a pr oc ess to reduce noise (im age rough ness or
unevenness) caus ed by low sh ut te r sp eed. Set in [Noi se Reduct i on] in th e
[A Custom Setting] menu. (p.102)
• When in p (B ul b) m ode, the sens itivi t y is equivalen t to ISO 200 when
sensitivity is set to [AUTO].
About the L Button
The aperture and shutter speed are automatically adjusted to the
appropriate exposure at that moment if the
button is pressed in
(Manual) mode. You can choose from the following three adjustment
methods in [AE-L bttn on M expsr] in the [
Custom Setting] menu.
Shutter speed is adjusted to appropriate exposure according to lens
aperture when lens aperture is not set to s position.
1 Notes on [Using Aperture Ring] (p.184)
1 Program Line
The aperture and shutter speed are adjusted automatically.
2Tv Shift
The aperture is locked and the shu tter spee d is adjuste d
3Av Shift
The shutter sp eed is lo cked an d the apertu re is adju sted