Pelco Manual C690M-E (11/04) 65
4. Under the Network Settings heading, do the following:
a. In the IP Address field, enter the DVR’s IP address.
b. In the Subnet Mask field, enter the subnet mask information.
c. In the Gateway Address field, enter a gateway address to get to the DVR on a
network. (A gateway is a network point acting as an entrance to another network.
Computers that control traffic on your network are gateway nodes and the router
knows where to direct data that arrives at the gateway.)
d. In the Base Port field, select base port to use. The default is 22002. This means the
DX2000 will use TCP port 22002, UDP port 22003, and TCP port 22004 (3 ports total)
for all video and control data. The ports must be open for the DX2000 to function
properly. The valid range for this field is 1024-49148.
5. Under the Date/Time heading, do the following:
a. Checkmark Set Date/Time.
b. In the Date boxes, enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year.
c. In the Time boxes, enter the two-digit hour, two-digit minute, and two-digit second.
6. Under the Daylight Savings Time heading, do the following:
a. Checkmark Enable DST to use Daylight Saving Time .
To accept the Daylight Saving Time settings for the United States, click the US
Default. Then, skip the remainder of this step.
b. In the Back field, use the pull-down menu to indicate on which Sunday in the month
the time should be set back one hour (Standard Time). Use the Forward field to
indicate on which Sunday in the month the time should be set forward one hour
(Daylight Saving Time).
c. In the upper Sunday in field, use the pull-down menu to indicate in which month the
time should be set back. Use the lower Sunday in field to indicate in which month the
time should be set forward.