C1554M-A (4/05) 49
Table F. Different States of the Lock Button
Some canvas gadgets have a Capture and Save Image button that allows you to capture an image of the video displayed in the window. Images
are saved in JPEG file format.
To capture a live video image complete the following steps:
1. Click the Gadgets button, and then select the canvas gadget from the drop-down list. The canvas gadget displays in the window’s control
2. Click the Capture and Save Image button. The Save JPEG As dialog box opens.
3. Browse to the desired folder and type in a file name.
4. Click Save. The image file is saved and the Save JPEG As dialog box closes.
The PelcoNet MPEG device driver currently supports the following devices:
• PelcoNet 300 Series decoders
• PelcoNet 350 Series encoders
• PelcoNet 4001A encoder/decoder
• NVR300 Series network video recorders
To control a particular PelcoNet device, you must belong to, and log in under, a user group that grants you the necessary privileges. Your system
administrator should instruct you in what privileges you have.
NOTE: To access PelcoNet device controls, the PelcoNet MPEG device driver must be running. Device icons appear as a hollow outline when the
device driver is not running. If you try to open the Device Control dialog box when the driver is not running, you will get a connection error. Notify
your system administrator if the driver is not running.
Green/In You have locked the camera from the window where the green/in Lock button is
located. You can control the camera from this window. A user with higher priority
can take the lock from you and subsequently control the camera. A script with equal
or higher priority can take the lock from you and subsequently control the camera.
Green/Out The camera is not locked. You can control the camera. You can lock the camera.
Yellow/In A script with higher priority than you has locked the camera. The script can control
the camera. You cannot take the lock from the script. You cannot control the camera.
Yellow/Out A script with equal or lower priority than you has locked the camera. You cannot
control the camera, but you can take the lock from the script and subsequently
control the camera.
Red/In A user with equal or higher priority than you has locked the camera. The user can
control the camera. You can neither take the lock nor control the camera from the
window where the red/in Lock button is located. Note: The user who locked the
camera could be you. When you lock the camera through the gadget, the Lock button
on the Control tab is red/in. When you lock the camera through the Control tab, the
Lock button in the gadget is red/in.
Red/Out A user with lower priority than you has locked the camera. You cannot control the
camera, but you can take the lock from the lower priority user and subsequently
control the camera.
• You can only lock the camera when the Lock button is out.
• You can only control the camera when the padlock is green.