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• Edit the workspace.
• Clear “Save the window content with the workspace.”
• Close the Edit Workspace dialog box.
Clearing the default content setting ensures that you do not inadvertently overwrite the content you have saved. Whenever the workspace is
opened, live video from the same camera will load in the window.
Figure 20. Edit Workspace Dialog Box - Details Tab
The Details tab provides data on your monitor(s). It is used for troubleshooting.
To save a workspace, you must belong to, and log in under, a user group that allows you to save workspaces. You must also be logged in to your
home server. If the Save Workspace option of the File menu is unavailable, then either you do not have permission to save workspaces, or you are
not logged in to your home server. Refer to User Groups for information on access privileges. Refer to Configuring Servers for instructions on
setting a home server.
To save a workspace:
1. If it is not already open, open the workspace you want to save, as described in Opening a Workspace. The name of the current workspace
appears in the Main window title bar.
2. Click File > Save Workspace, or click the Main window and press Ctrl-S. The workspace is saved.
To save a workspace under a new name:
1. If it is not already open, open the workspace you want to save under a new name, as described in Opening a Workspace. The name of the
current workspace appears in the Main window title bar.
2. Click File > Save Workspace As. The Save Workspace dialog box opens.
3. Select the folder where you want the new workspace saved and type a file name.
4. Click Save. The workspace is saved and the name of the new workspace appears in the Main window title bar.