
This is the syntax to use when you create online configuration
{I,1 to 7 optional packet Start of Header, Configuration Header
A, parameter 1...parameter 5 p System Setup
B, parameter 1...parameter 5 p Supply Setup
C, parameter 1...parameter 5 p Print Control
D, parameter 1...parameter 3 p Monetary Formatting
E, parameter 1...parameter 9 p Control Characters
F, parameter 1...parameter 5 p Communication Settings
M, parameter 1_parameter 4 p } Memory Configuration, End of Header
Syntax for single packet
{ Start of Header
I Configuration Packet Identifier
A, parameter 1...parameter 5 p System Setup
} End of Header
You can also add a configuration to non-volatile RAM or specify
units for supply, print, and margin positions. If you use the
optional parameters with the I packet, any online configuration
packets following the split vertical bar ( p ) must specify distances
using the selected units.
{header,ID#,action,device p}
1. header Constant I
2. ID# ID. Use 0.
3. action Action. Options:
A Add configuration
U Upload User Configuration
4. device Storage Device. Options:
F Flash (9414 only)
N Non-volatile RAM (9412/9413 default)
R RAM (9414 default)
5. units Units (optional parameter). Options:
E English
M Metric
G Dots
3-6 Configuring the Printer