
10. Type COPY SAMPLE.FMT COM1. The following 2 inch by 2
inch label prints:
{F,25,A,R,M,508,508,"Fmt 25" p
C,250,80,0,1,2,1,W,C,0,0,"MONARCH MARKING",0 p
B,1,12,F,110,115,1,2,120,5,L,0 p
T,2,18,V,30,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p}
Sample Batch Packet
{B,25,N,1 p
1,"12345678901" p
2,"DAYTON, OHIO" p }
See Chapter 2, "Designing a Format" to
design your format and Chapter 4, "Defining
Fields" to create text, bar code, and line
Daily Startup Procedures
You may want to design a checklist for operators to follow each
day. Here are a few suggested items: Turn on the printer and
host, make sure ribbon and supplies are loaded, make sure
communication parameters are set, and download packets from
the host to the printer.
You may want to keep records of supplies that have been printed.
A good way to do this is to design a print log for operators to
complete at the end of the day. Here are some suggestions for
types of information to include in a print log: date, operator’s
name, format name, supply size, quantity printed, evaluation of
print quality, and problems/comments.
Keep backup copies of your format, batch data, and check digit
Getting Started 1-5