
40672201TX Rev.4
7.3 Lowercase Letter Description Support
7.3.1 Location ID
A character string including lowercase letters and symbols can be described in the Location
ID column of the following reports:
- Telephone directory report (Total number of registered digits)
- Broadcasting entry report (First 20 digits)
- Broadcasting confirmation report (First 20 digits)
7.3.2 Distant Station ID
A character string (first 20 characters) including lowercase letters and symbols can be de-
scribed in the Distant Station ID column of the following reports:
- Activity report
- Power outage report
- Message confirmation report
- Active memory files
- Protocol dump
7.4 Description of Communication Mode Column
Describe information about the FAX2NET service communication in the MODE column of the
following reports:
- Activity report
- Power outage report
- Message confirmation report
- Active memory files
- Protocol dump
<Contents of MODE column>
FAX over IP (International call)................................. FNET
FAX to E-MAIL (E-mail) ............................................ FNET
Web retrieval (Web print request)............................. WEB
Broadcast including FAX over IP or FAX to E-MAIL. B.C.
Payment card registration......................................... P-CARD
7.5 Service Code Description
Add service codes 909D and 14D0 to the following reports:
- Activity report
- Power outage report
- Message confirmation report
- Protocol dump