40672201TX Rev.4
4.3 Web Printing
4.3.1 Requests
Web printing begins by selecting a one-touch key in which Web URL is registered as a
destination. If information about a Web address or FAX2NET server is not registered, Web
retrieval is invalid.
To prepare for Web printing, first convert a character string registered as a Web address
according to the conversion table shown in Section 5.4.
When a Web printing request is issued, it is only described in the Activity report without
facsimile communication.
For details on the Web address report to the FAX2NET server, see the chapter 7.
When the FAX2NET server returns no reply or is busy, redial is handled as normal redial.
After the FAX2NET server replies, a communication error due to TA or TB timeout is handled
like the single destination sending.
If DTMF tone “D” is returned instead of DTMF tone “B” after a Web address is reported, the
system performs the same operation as of the detection of the DTMF tone “D” for single-
destination sending.
4.3.2 Reception
When fetching a requested home page, the FAX2NET server facsimile-sends its data to the
request source. This is performed in normal G3 communication mode.
The maximum time from a Web printing request to an incoming call from the FAX2NET server
is not defined. If the FAX2NET server fails the fetch of a requested Web page, it is not
reported to the request source facsimile.
4.4 Payment Card Registration
If the Payment Card PRG. is selected from User Programming, the screen changes to the
Card Number input screen.
Enter the Card Number only with digits (max 16 digits). (However, the number can be entered
up to 20 digits.)
A call is issued to the FAX2NET server after the Card Number is entered, and Account ID,
"#8930", Card Number and Check sum are sent to the FAX2NET server using DTMF tone.
The fax shifts to the T-30 protocol after receiving the tone "B" from the FAX2NET server, and
since the registered result report is sent from the FAX2NET server, the fax message is
received by means of the same methods as polling reception. but the Card Number is not
The Payment Card Number is entered in the Activity Report but Message Confirmation Report
is not entered.
If DTMF tone "D" is returned from the EAX2NET server, the fax displays an alarm message.
When the FAX2NET server returns no replay and in case of the interruption of power supply,
the fax does not redial.