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WAP services (Services - Menu 13)
WAP services (Services - Menu 13)
Clear cache: Empties the cache memory of the phone (see Emptying the cache memory on page
Security info: Shows whether the connection is secure.
Exit: Quits browsing and ends the call.
View picture: You can scroll a picture or animated picture which cannot be entirely shown on the
display. and (or and ) scroll the picture up or down. and scroll the picture
left or right.
Press (Options) for the following: Next picture, Prev. picture or Save picture.
With the Save picture option you can save pictures for using them in picture messages or as
screensavers, and animated pictures for using them as screensavers. If the picture to be saved is too
large for picture messages and screensavers, move the box shown over the picture to select the area
that you want to save, and press (Select).
Note that an animated picture saved from a WAP page cannot be used in picture messages.
■ Ending a WAP connection
When you are using a WAP service: Press (Options), scroll to Exit, and press (Select). When
the text Quit browsing? is shown, press (Yes).
The phone terminates the connection to the WAP service and ends the call.
■ Adjusting the appearance settings of WAP pages
1. In the Services menu, scroll to Settings and press (Select).
2. Scroll to Appearance settings and press (Select).
3. Scroll to Text wrapping or Show images, and press (Select).