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WAP services (Services - Menu 13)
WAP services (Services - Menu 13)
Keying in the connection settings manually
For appropriate settings, contact your network operator or service provider.
1. In the Services menu, scroll to Settings and press (Select).
2. Press (Select) when Connection settings is displayed.
3. Scroll to a set of connection settings and press (Options).
A set is a collection of settings needed for making a connection to a WAP service.
4. Scroll to Edit and press (Select).
5. Scroll to each of the settings below and press (Select). Make all the required settings one by
• Homepage: Key in the homepage address of the WAP service that you want to use (press
for a period), and press (OK).
• Connection type: Scroll to Continuous or Temporary, and press (Select).
• Connection security: Scroll to On or Off, and press (Select).
When the connection security is on, the phone tries to use a secure connection with the WAP
service. If a secure connection is not available, the connection will not be made. If you wish to
connect anyway, with a non-secure connection, set the connection security to Off.
• Bearer: Scroll to USSD or Data, and press (Select). For pricing, connection speed and other
information, contact your network operator or service provider.
• Service code (shown if the bearer is USSD): Key in the code and press (OK).
• Service number (shown if the bearer is USSD): Key in the service number and press (OK).
• Dial-up number (shown if the bearer is Data): Key in the number and press (OK).