Application manager
With Application manager, you can install new
applications and other extensions from the application
catalogues (repositories) on the internet and from the
inbox, web links, or File manager. You can also view and
update installed packages and uninstall them.
Tap , and select Settings > Application manager.
Important: Only install and use applications and
other software from trusted sources.
Connection manager
To monitor and manage connections established with the
device, tap , and select Settings >
Connection manager.
Control panel
To perform configuration and customisation tasks, tap ,
and select Settings > Control panel, and from the
following applets:
About product—View information about your device and
end-user licenses.
Accounts—Define account settings for internet call and
instant messaging services.
Bluetooth—Change the Bluetooth connectivity name of
your internet tablet, and set its visibility.
Bluetooth keyboard—Configure items related to an
external hardware keyboard supporting Bluetooth wireless
Certificate manager—View and manage digital
certificates on your device.
Connectivity—Define which internet connections are used
automatically. Set idle times for all connection types.
Create and edit internet access points.
Date and time—Select the home city, date and time, and
enable or disable the daylight-savings zone option.
Device lock—Turn on the automatic device lock, set the
time-out period, and change the device lock code.
Display—Change the brightness of the display, set the
automatic lock for touch screen and keys, switch the LED
lights off or on, and define how soon the display brightness