
Internet communication
Incoming server—Enter the host name or IP address of
the POP3 or IMAP4 server that receives your e-mail.
Outgoing server (SMTP)—Enter the host name or IP
address of the server through which your e-mail is sent.
Tap Next.
Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) servers are used
when sending e-mail. To be able to send e-mail, you
must define the SMTP host name or IP address, which
you obtain from the service provider of the connection
you use.
Use connection-specific SMTP servers:—Select this
option if you want to use connection specific SMTP
servers for sending e-mail messages.
Tip: The SMTP host name or IP address may be
different from the host name or IP address of
the incoming server (POP3 or IMAP4). For
example, when you access your internet service
provider e-mail over a cellular network, you
may need to utilize the SMTP server of the
cellular network. Thus, you may need to
configure as many mailboxes as you have
internet access networks, each mailbox having
a different SMTP host name or IP address.
SMTP servers:—Select this option and Configure if you
want to configure connection specific servers. Tap
5. In E-mail account setup 4/4, tap Advanced to define
optional e-mail settings, or tap Finish to complete the
mailbox setup.
It is very common that you need to modify the
advanced settings. For more information, see the device
Retrieve and read e-mail messages
E-mail messages sent to you are not automatically
received by your device, but by your remote mailbox on the
e-mail server. To read your e-mail messages, you must first
connect to the mailbox and retrieve the messages.
To retrieve e-mail messages from a remote mailbox, select
E-mail > Message > Send & receive, or tap in the
toolbar. This option retrieves messages from all accounts
set for the device.
If you want to receive messages only from a specific
account, in the application main view, hold the stylus on
the for a second, and select the desired account.
If you have e-mail messages in the Outbox folder, these
messages are sent simultaneously.
To retrieve the contents of a selected message, tap the
message header. You can set the device to only download
message headers. If the mailbox type is IMAP4, you can