
Async Data Channels
Number of Channels Up to sixteen (#MMV16XXC), or
up to thirty-two (#MMV32XXC)
Maximum Speed 19,200 bps
All Channels
Channel Speeds All standard speeds from 300 bps to 19.2K bps
Data Format Asynchronous: 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits, with 1,1.5, or 2 stop bits
Parity Odd, even, or none
Local Echo On or off selectable for each channel
Flow Control Xon/Xoff, CTS on/off, or HP ENQ/ACK selectable for each channel
Pacing On or off selectable for each channel, DTR on/off, or Xon/Xoff
Interface RS232C/CCITT V.24; 25-pin female D connectors
System Control
Local Access Through MultiMuxs RS232C Command Port
Remote Access Through MultiMuxs internal dial-up CCITT V.22bis/V.22, Bell 212A/103 (2400/1200/300
bps) command modem Device
Any asynchronous keyboard terminal, PC in terminal mode (local access), or any standard
dial-up 2400/1200/300bps V.22bis/V.22, 212A/103 modem (remote access)
Command Functions Menu-driven/help screen approach. Commands to select channel speeds, flow
control methods, listing of parameters, help screens, storing of configurations, downline
loading, status reporting, echo controls, resets, pacing, parity, stop bits, response time
priorities, test modes, modem configurations, and other parameters.
Diagnostics Memory tests, Local and Remote Digital Loop tests, Switch test, LED test, Non-Volatile RAM
test, Watchdog Timer, and Voice/fax Channel Loopback test.
Composite Link
Number of Links Two (Links A and B)
Data Format Synchronous
Link Speeds Up to 256K bps
Link Protocol Proprietary modified HDLC
Error Correction 16-bit CRC block check with ARQ
Interface RS232C/CCITT V.35/V.24, or use MultiMux integral DSU
Internal DSU:
Description Integral card DSU, synchronous and full duplex over DDS network, 4-wire non-loaded
metallic wire pairs or LADS (Local Area Data Set) at transmission speeds of 2400,4800, 9600,
19,200 or 56,000 bps
Line Interface DDS interface with a RJ48S 8-position keyed jack
Sync Data Channel
Number of Channels One (Port B)
Data Format Synchronous
Channel Speed Up to 128K bps
Channel ProtocolAny Synchronous HDLC
Interface RS232C/CCITT V.35/V.24; 25-pin male D connector