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When selecting screen, parts or sound data for utilization, set it the No. to be used in the destination
project. (When selecting multiple data, set the head No.)
If the data of the same No. already exists in the destination project, the existing data will be deleted,
i.e., overwritten. (Use the Image or Browse button to check the data in the destination
All common settings will be overwritten.
The base screen No.1 and No.2 are
imported into the destination project as the
base screen No.10 and No.11, respectively.
If the base screen No.10 and No.11 already
exit in the destination project, these existing
screen data will be deleted, i.e., overwritten.
Use the Image or Browse button to check
the data in the destination project.
With this operation, the preset comment can
be also checked.
The recipe function setting is written over
the corresponding settings within the
destination project.
Click the Import button to import the selected data.
After the data import is completed, confirm the imported data and the relevant settings.
9.6.2 Cautions
If the GOT type or PLC type set for the source project differs from that for the
destination project.
(1) If the GOT type set for the source project differs from that for the destination project, the GOT
type of the imported data is changed to the one set for the destination project.
With this import, some functions may be deleted due to the GOT type incompatibility.
(2) If the PLC type set for the source project differs from that for the destination project, the PLC
type of the imported data is changed to the one set for the destination project.
GT Desginer2 may delete some devices, as the device type is incompatible or they are out of
the applicable setting range.
Make the device settings as necessary.
Hold the incompatible devices
The incompatible devices, i.e., devices to be deleted after the data import (described
in (2) above), can be held by executing the following.
Change the PLC type set for the source project to the one for the destination
Check for the objects converted to “??” in the device list. (The incompatible
devices are converted to “??”.)
Make the settings of the devices for the objects converted to “??”.
Save the modified source project. Then, open the destination project, and execute
the series of operations for [Import project], i.e., utilizing other project data.