4 - 1
The following explains the preparations and settings for system startup.
4.1 Startup procedures
Check of wiring and ambient environment
Position board setting
Servo amplifier setting
Parameter setting
System startup
Perform operation
Visually check whether the position board and servo amplifier are wired
correctly. Also check the ambient environment.
(Refer to Section 4.2 Check of wiring and ambient environment)
Set board ID by position board ID selection (SW1).
(Refer to Section 4.3 Position board setting)
Set axis No. on the axis selection rotary switch of the servo amplifier.
(Refer to Section 4.4 Servo amplifier setting)
Set parameter initialization (system command code: 0003h).
fter parameter initialization, set the parameters according to the
system for control cycle, control option 1, sensor input option, vendo
ID, and type code. For other parameters, set them according to need.
(Refer to Section 4.5 Parameter setting)
Set start system startup (system command code: 000Ah).
(Refer to Section 4.6 System startup processing)
Then operate where necessary.
• When a test operation is necessary before creating a user program,
parameter settings, system startup, operation and such can be performed
using the test tool attached to the utility software.