7 - 42
Symbol Signal name Function details
SWED Sampling setting data
out of bounds
Notifies that the sampling setting value is outside the setting range.
<Conditions for turning on>
The sampling setting value which is outside the setting range is set and the sampling setting
write command (SMPSW) is turned on.
<Conditions for turning off>
The sampling setting write command signal (SMPSW) is turned off.
SRFIN Sampling setting
read complete
Notifies that reading of the sampling setting was completed.
<Conditions for turning on>
The sampling setting read number is set correctly and the sampling setting read command
(SMPSR) is turned on.
<Conditions for turning off>
The sampling setting read command signal (SMPSR) is turned off.
SREN Sampling setting
number error
Notifies that the sampling setting number is incorrect.
<Conditions for turning on>
The sampling setting read number is set incorrectly and the sampling setting read command
(SMPSR) is turned on.
<Conditions for turning off>
The sampling setting read command signal (SMPSR) is turned off.