Pre-Saved Remote Computer
To make remote desktop access easier to use, you can save your computer’s IP address/host
name to a USB flash drive.
1. Insert a flash drive into the UC360.
2. Tap on the UC360 screen.
3. Press the RemoteRDP icon on the Launch App Shared Mode screen.
4. Enter your computer’s IP address or hostname in the top text box of the RDP screen and
press Save and Connect.
Your computer’s hostname/IP address is saved in a file called uc360RDPID on your flash drive.
You can now plug your flash drive into any UC360 and will recognizes the file. You will see your
hostname/IP address appear in the third section of the screen above, Pre-Saved Remote
Computer. Press Connect to access your computer.
If you open the RDP screen before inserting your flash drive, press the Refresh button to check
for any newly-inserted flash drive.
To overwrite the host, enter the new hostname in the top section and press Save & Connect.
A dialog box will ask you to confirm overwriting of the old hostname.