Clicking Web Links in Smart Office Documents
You can click web links (hyperlinks) in Word documents. Currently, web links are not supported
in PDF, Excel and PowerPoint documents.
When you click on the web link, the browser opens to the specified web page.
If you are sharing the with other conference participants, the opened browser is shared with
them. Likewise, if the browser is non-shared, the web link is not shared.
Once the browser is launched from a web link, you can press the Back key to bring the display
back to the shared document.
If you open a browser, and the browser was previously opened to some web page, the browser
keeps the previous web page in its Menu/Windows view.
Limitations of Using Picsel SmartOffice and Google Docs on the UC360
• You cannot click web links in PDF, Excel and PowerPoint documents.
• You cannot print documents from Picsel Smart Office.
• When you open a Picsel or Google document with animation, the animation is not visible.
Refer to Appendix B “UC360 SmartOffice Support” on page 81 for further details.