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1-5. Principal Safety Standards
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, ANSI Standard Z49.1,
from Global Engineering Documents (phone: 1-877-413-5184, website:
OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry,
Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1910, Subpart Q, and
Part 1926, Subpart J, from U.S. Government Printing Office, Superinten-
dent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
(phone: 1-866-512-1800) (there are 10 Regional Offices—phone for Re-
gion 5, Chicago, is 312-353-2220, website: www.osha.gov).
National Electrical Code, NFPA Standard 70, from National Fire Protec-
tion Association, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101 (phone:
617-770-3000, website: www.nfpa.org and www. sparky.org).
Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, CSA Standard C22.1, from Canadian
Standards Association, Standards Sales, 5060 Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada L4W 5NS (phone: 800-463-6727 or in Toronto 416-747-4044,
website: www.csa-international.org).
Safe Practice For Occupational And Educational Eye And Face Protec-
tion, ANSI Standard Z87.1, from American National Standards Institute,
25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036–8002 (phone: 212-642-4900,
website: www.ansi.org).
1-6. EMF Information
Considerations About Induction Heating And The Effects Of Low Fre-
quency Electric And Magnetic Fields
The following is a quotation from the General Conclusions Section of the
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Biological Effects of
Power Frequency Electric & Magnetic Fields − Background Paper, OTA-
BP-E-53 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May
1989): “. . . there is now a very large volume of scientific findings based
on experiments at the cellular level and from studies with animals and
people which clearly establish that low frequency magnetic fields can in-
teract with, and produce changes in, biological systems. While most of
this work is of very high quality, the results are complex. Current scientif-
ic understanding does not yet allow us to interpret the evidence in a
single coherent framework. Even more frustrating, it does not yet allow
us to draw definite conclusions about questions of possible risk or to of-
fer clear science-based advice on strategies to minimize or avoid
potential risks.”
To reduce magnetic fields in the workplace, use the following proce-
1. Arrange output cable to one side and away from the operator.
2. Do not coil or drape output cable around the body.
3. Keep power source and cable as far away from the operator as
About Implanted Medical Devices:
Implanted Medical Device wearers should consult their doctor and the
device manufacturer before performing or going near arc welding, spot
welding, gouging, plasma arc cutting, or induction heating operations. If
cleared by your doctor, then following the above procedures is recom-