OM-222 166 Page 43
Limit Condition Additional Information
L11: Coolant Overtemp Limit Check coolant flow and level
Clean coolant filters and heat exchanger
Increase number of turns
Verify appropriate insulation thickness
L12: Power Source Overtemp Limit Check for blocked vents
Clean wind tunnel heat sinks
L13:Cable Connection Check for loose/open output connection
Verify all output cables are same type
Verify receptacle plug connected
9-4. Fault Conditions
A fault condition occurs if the system encounters an isolation fault, encounters operating conditions outside operational limits, or if there is a serious
problem with the system. Should a fault condition occur, the output is immediately turned off, the red Fault LED flashes and the Stop button
LED flashes. If the active screen on the LCD display is Run Status or Parameters, a message describing the particular fault condition will appear on the
display. If the active screen is Program, press the Run Status button to display the fault condition.
Pressing the Decrease button will acknowledge the fault and the red Fault LED will stop flashing and remain on continuously. However, the
Stop button LED will continue to flash indicating that the process has stopped.
To obtain additional information regarding the fault condition and suggested solutions to resolve the fault, press the Increase button, and the
LCD display will indicate possible solutions based on the type of fault condition. In most cases, a fault condition will indicate that service is required.
9-5. Fault Condition Codes
Fault Condition Additional Information
F51: Thermocouple #1 Internal Fault Service required
F52: Themocouple #2 Internal Fault Service required
F53: Thermocouple #3 Internal Fault Service required
F54: Thermocouple #4 Internal Fault Service required
F55: Thermocouple #5 Internal Fault Service required
F56: Thermocouple #6 Internal Fault Service required
F57: CJT Sensor Internal Fault Service required
F58: Output Voltage Fault Service required
F59: Output Current Fault Service required
F60: Temperature Sensor Fault Check control TC connections
Check control TC extension cable
F61: Coolant Flow Fault Check for coolant leak
Clean for coolant blockage
Check coolant filter and level
Check coolant connections
F62: Isolation Fault Check for exposed conductor
Clean for moisture on cables
F63:Line Voltage Fault Check line voltage
F64: Power Source Overtemp Fault Verify power source vents and
wind tunnel are unobstructed
F65: Current Source Fault Service required
F66: Under Frequency Fault Check for loose or open connections
in output cable
Decrease number of turns
Decrease coil space