OM-223 037 Page 35
8-3. Perkins Customer Assistance
When a problem arises concerning the op-
eration or service of the engine, the prob-
lem will normally be managed by the dealer
in your area.
Your satisfaction is a primary concern to
Perkins and to Perkins dealers. If you have
a problem that has not been handled to your
complete satisfaction, follow these steps:
1 Discuss your problem with a local
dealer or distributor.
2 If your problem cannot be resolved at
the dealer or distributor level without
additional assistance, contact the
Perkins Technical Support Center
through the Perkins website.
Please follow the above steps in sequence
if a problem arises.
Website Address
8-4. Checking Generator Brushes
Ref 222 875 / S−0233−A
! Stop engine and let cool.
1 Generator Brush With Spring
Mark and disconnect leads at brush hold-
er cap. Remove brushes.
Replace brushes if damaged or if brush
material is at or near minimum length.
5/16 in. (8 mm)
Minimum Length
9/16 in. (14.3 mm)
New Length
Damaged Brushes