68 Chapter 7: Output Section
Operator Manual
Signal generator and talkback
The VeniceF provides a 1kHz signal generator and a talkback mic that can be routed to
a number of the console’s outputs.
1kHz generator and talk mic sections on the control surface
7 solo LED This yellow LED illuminates to show when the meters in the
master meters section are functioning as solo meters. The solo bus levels
(afl L, afl R and pfl) are shown on the solo meters. The solo meters are pre-
monitor or phones output mute and level, and are unaffected by changes in
the headphone level or the level sent to the local monitor outputs.
8 left, right and mono LED These are the stereo (left and right) and
mono meters that monitor the peak signal levels of the master outputs
Item Description
1 talk mic input socket This socket is a conventionally-wired XLR male and
is permanently supplied with 48V phantom power, allowing the connection
of a condenser microphone.
2 on switch and green LED When on (button fully in), the talk mic input is
enabled and routed to the talk bus, in which case both local monitor outputs
are attenuated by 20dB to help prevent feedback. The green LED
illuminates to show that the talk mic input is enabled.
3 group switch This is a routing button that routes the talk bus/signal
generator signal to all group buses.
4 master switch This is a routing button that routes the talk bus/signal
generator signal to the stereo master buses.
5 mon 1 and mon 2 switches This is a routing button that routes the talk
bus/signal generator signal to the monitor 1 or monitor 2 bus.
Item Description