Routing 97
Operator Manual
The submix is now set up. The group level can be used to control the overall level of
the channels (retaining their relative levels), mute the submix output or solo the
submix signal.
Note: Muting the submix is not the same as muting the channels. Aux sends and
other group sends will remain active.
• Common EQ/processing Often, it is either too expensive or undesirable to apply
processing to each channel individually (for example, compression on a whole choir,
graphic EQ on a number of microphones, etc.). Setting up a submix as above, the
signal is grouped together. Now the desired processor can be inserted into the group
inserts applying the processing to all of the submix channels (in their relative levels).
• Alternative outputs For example, you were mixing a number of speakers in a
venue and each needed a different level and processing.
Route the desired channels to any group or master output as necessary. Make sure
the group is not routed to the main outputs. The group outputs should be wired into
the necessary amplification and the insert points into any necessary processing (for
example, delay, EQ, etc.).
The levels are now individually controllable.
MON mode
The group-aux changeover switch on each group (see “Group-aux changeover” on
page 56) should be depressed (in the on position) so that the group fader controls the
aux bus signal.
Channel signal should be sent to the aux, as required, and the aux sends should usually
be configured to pre-fader. The console group output sockets should be wired into the
necessary amplification and the insert points into any necessary processing (for
example, EQ, etc.).
The monitor levels are now individually controllable on the group faders.
Dual FOH/MON Mode
The group-aux changeover switch on each group (see “Group-aux changeover” on
page 56) should be depressed (in the on position) so that the group fader controls the
aux bus signal for monitors or released (in the off position) so that the group fader
controls the group bus signal for FOH. The usage in this split mode can be any
combination of the above!
Note: When the group-aux changeover switch is depressed, control over the groups is
performed by the aux controls and hence, and group outputs may still be used.
Submixes could be used by connecting the aux output sockets on the rear of the
console to four unused stereo input channels and routed to the left and right master