
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Flow control: None
Press “Enter” key to begin login screen. Enter the username and password to login the management console.
To see the commands of the mode, please input “?” after the prompt, then all commands will be listed in the
screen. All commands can be divided into two categories, including global commands and local commands.
Global commands can be used wherever the mode you are. They are “exit”, “end”, “help”, “history”, “logout”,
“save start”, “save user”, “restore default” and “restore user”.
Command instructions reside in the corresponding modes are local commands. The same command with the
same command name may occur but perform totally different function in different modes. For example, “show”
in IP mode performs displaying the IP information; however, it performs displaying the system information in
system mode.
4.2 Global Command
4.2.1 end
Syntax: end
Description: Back to the top mode.
When you enter this command, your current position would move to the top mode. If you use this command in
the top mode, you are still in the position of the top mode.
Argument: None.
Possible value: None.
SP1659P# alarm
SP1659P(alarm)# events
SP1659P(alarm-events)# end
4.2.2 exit
Syntax: exit
Description: Back to the previous mode.
When you enter this command, your current position would move back to the previous mode. If you use this
command in the top mode, you are still in the position of the top mode.
Argument: None.
Possible value: None.
SP1659P# trunk
SP1659P(trunk)# exit