
3.13.2 Aggregator View
To display the current port trunk information from the aggregator point of view.
Parameter description:
y Aggregator:
It shows the aggregator ID (from 1 to 26) of every port. In fact, every port is also an aggregator, and its
own aggregator ID is the same as its own Port No.
y Method:
Show the method a port uses to aggregate with other ports.
y Member Ports:
Show all member ports of an aggregator (port).
y Ready Ports:
Show only the ready member ports within an aggregator (port).
Parameter description:
y Actor:
The switch you are watching on.
y Partner:
The peer system from this aggregator’s view.
y System Priority:
Show the System Priority part of a system ID.
y MAC Address:
Show the MAC Address part of a system ID.
y Port:
Show the port number part of an LACP port ID.