Chapter 8 How to Get More Help 37
MAGMA Debug Utility
Occasionally, Magma Technical Support may request Windows users to
produce and email a MAGMA debug log file to help them resolve your
problem. This file should be emailed to
support@magma.com. This file
should have a “.log” file extension. To create the *.log file, follow these
1. Locate a file called dbgview.exe on the MAGMA CDROM.
2. Double-click on the file dbgview.exe
3. While the dbgview screen is open, locate and double-click on
a file called dump.exe on the MAGMA CDROM.
4. Switch back to the dbgview screen, which is now filled with
5. Save this file and email to
support@magma.com upon request.
Include your Name and
the Date the log was
created in the file
name. Then email it to
Technical Support.
Use the “Save as type” drop-down arrow to select a file type of (*.LOG).