12 Chapter 4 Install 3
Party PCI Cards
Slide the enclosure cover
backwards, disengaging it from
the guides at the front of the
enclosure, by firmly grasping the
cover lip and pulling the cover
backward about ¼” and then lifting
the cover off.
When replacing the enclosure cover, be sure that the front edge
guides on the cover engage the inner lip of the enclosure.
PCI Expansion Interface Card
Next, check the PCI Expansion
Interface Card. This card is
factory installed in the 1
slot next to the power supply
connections on the backplane. It
is required to allow your host
computer to communicate with
the PCI cards in the expansion
Ensure that the card is installed
in the slot labeled “Expansion
Interface” and that it is fully
inserted into the slot and
fastened to the chassis correctly.