DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
702Hunt Group
Security Code
Enter a 4-digit security code (password) used for the Demand Print feature.
ISDN Caller Disp
This field is required if, on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen, the
ISDN-PRI or ISDN-BRI Trunks field is
Queue Length
Appears if the Queue field is
y. Enter the maximum number of calls that can be in
the queue at the same time. This field must have an entry when the Queue field is
Calls Warning Threshold
Appears if the Queue field is
y. Enter the number of calls that can be queued
before the System flashes the queue status (feature buttons assigned on agents
phones) and the optional Auxiliary Queue Call Warning Threshold lamp assigned
to the split/skill. These lamps are lighted steadily when at least one call is in queue
and the threshold has not yet been reached.
Valid entries Usage
4-digit security code
Valid entries Usage
Enter grp-name or mbr-name to specify whether the hunt
group name or member name, respectively, will be sent to the
originating user.
blank If the ISDN-PRI or the ISDN-BRI Trunks field is n, this field
must be blank.
Valid entries Usage
For G3r configurations
For G3si configurations
Valid entries Usage
Must be less than or equal to
the queue length.
This field must not be left blank if Calls Warning
Port is assigned a port number.