DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
598Digit Absorption
Digit Absorption
This screen implements up to 5 digit absorption lists. The screen may be required
for each CO and FX trunk group connected to a step-by-step CO. Each outgoing
digit string from the switch to the step-by-step CO is treated according to entries
in the “Absorption Treatment Assignment” section of the screen.
If the Expected Digits field on the Trunk Group screen is blank, you cannot
administer Digit Absorption.
Field descriptions for page 1
Screen 71. Digit Absorption
List Number
Displays the Digit Absorption List number (
0 through 4). The list number is
referenced from a field entry on the associated trunk group.
Absorption Treatment Information
This is a display-only section. It shows how Digit Absorption treats each digit, 0
through 9, depending on the assignment of A through C for Group I, and A, D, E,
and F for Group II. Enter the assignment on the next section on the screen.
change digit absorption Page 1 of 1
List Number: __
ABSORPTION TREATMENT INFORMATION (All selections must be from same group)
Choice Meaning
Group I. A Digit not absorbed.
B Digit absorbed repeatedly.
C Digit absorbed once with no further absorption.
Group II. A Digit not absorbed.
D Digit absorbed only if it is the first digit.
E Digit absorbed only if it is the second digit and
the first digit was already absorbed.
F Digit asorbed only if it is the first or second digit.
ABSORPTION TREATMENT ASSIGNMENT (select treatment (A-F) for each digit below)
0: A 2: A 4: A 6: A 8: A
1: A 3: A 5: A 7: A 9: A