Configuring T1 Cards
Sample T1 configuration
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-23
Sample T1 configuration
This section provides an example of how to configure a T1 slot card. The example uses the
following setup:
• The card is in shelf 1, slot 2.
• All lines use PRI signaling.
• Switch type is NTI-PRI.
• The line is connected to a DSX and is less than 100 feet (30.5m) long. It therefore uses the
default settings for Front-End-Type and DSX-Line-Length.
• All the channels are switched (the default), with the exception of channel 24, which is set
for D channel signaling.
• All the channels are assigned to trunk group 9 (the default).
• The Default-Call-Type is digital (the default), so all calls received on this card are routed
to the Hybrid Access (HDLC) card.
• The rest of the line parameters are left at their default values.
To configure the T1 card as in this example:
1 Create a new T1 profile:
admin> new t1
T1/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 } read
2 Set the physical address for the first T1 line:
admin> set physical-address ={ 1 2 1}
This applies the changes to the T1 line in the specified
3 List the contents of the line profile:
admin> list line-interface
enabled = no
frame-type = d4
encoding = ami
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
signaling-mode = inband
robbed-bit-mode = wink-start
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = att-pri
nfas-id = 0
call-by-call = 0
data-sense = normal
idle-mode = flag-idle
FDL = none
front-end-type = dsx
DSX-line-length = 1-133
CSU-build-out = 0-db
channel-config = [ { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf
any-slot 0 } 0 } { switc+
maintenance-state = no
sendDisc-val = 0