Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-35
3 Specify the encapsulation type as Frame Relay:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=frame-relay
4 List the IP-Options submenu:
admin> list ip-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:ip-options]
ip-routing-enabled = yes
vj-header-prediction = yes
remote-address =
local-address =
5 Set the IP address of the DSLPipe-S connecting to the DSLTNT:
admin> set remote-address=
6 List the submenu for Frame Relay options:
admin> list .. fr-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:fr-options]
frame-relay-profile = ""
dlci = 16
circuit-name = ""
fr-direct-enabled = no
fr-direct-profile = ""
fr-direct-dlci = 16
7 Link this Connection profile to the Frame-Relay profile you will create in the next section:
admin> set frame-relay-profile=fr-prof-1
8 Set the DLCI to the same value as the DSLPipe-S:
admin> set dlci=16
9 Open the Telco-Options subprofile:
admin> list .. telco-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:telco-options]
answer-originate = ans-and-orig
callback = no
call-type = off
nailed-groups = 1
ft1-caller = no
force-56kbps = no
data-service = 56k-clear
10 Specify that the connection only uses nailed channels by setting Call-Type to FT1
(fractional T1):
admin> set call-type=ft1
11 Write the profile:
admin> write